The Sheraton

Owned and operated by Marriott Hotels, this seventeen-storey tower offers 236 rooms to guests.

  • The Sheraton

    Looking southwest from Albert St.

  • The Sheraton

    Looking east from O'Connor St.

  • The Sheraton

    Main entrance

150 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON

This seventeen-storey hotel clad in dark brown brick shares the block with the Varette Building and Jim Strutt’s Royal Trust Building on Slater Street. The Sheraton Hotel is located on the west side of the block, at the intersection of O’Connor and Slater Street.

At the street level the building offers a glazed view into a sunken area, however, the space above this split level and the bottom of the second floor is left open. Although this gives a good view of the brick arches that run the length of the façade, it does tend to add darkness to an already earth-toned building. The brickwork of the building is exceptional, and the rounded edges help soften the building’s impact on the street corner.

The use of bricks in the building is similar to that of the Public Service Alliance of Canada Building that was built four years prior, however not quite as articulated.