St. Columba Anglican Church

A display of intricate yellow brickwork

  • St. Columba Anglican Church

    Main entrance on north facade

  • St. Columba Anglican Church

    Brick cross detailing on north facade

  • St. Columba Anglican Church

    Plaque on west facade

  • St. Columba Anglican Church

    Brick pilasters on west facade

  • St. Columba Anglican Church

    View from Sandridge Road

24 Sandridge Road, Ottawa, ON

The St. Columba Anglican Church hides behind a curtain of trees deep within a residential neighbourhood. Completed in 1960, the church displays a high level of craft and control over the yellow-orange brick that composes its exterior. Notable brick details on the church are the buttresses that run along the sides, and the raised cross on the north facade.

The bell tower is square in shape, and feels very heavy in comparison to those found on other churches of the same time. The tower is free from ornament, but offers its entryway on its north face, along with a change in materiality from yellow brick to brown cladding. The tower is capped by a sharp-pointed copper roof.