Small House 764

  • Small House 764

    Primary street elevation highlighting the relationship between the front and sidewall materials as well as the side entry from the carport

  • Small House 764

    Small House 764 perspective (CMHC Small House Designs 1962)

  • Small House 764

    Primary street elevation on an oblique angle

  • Small House 764

    Window detail

  • Small House 764

    Small House 764 floor plan (CMHC Small House Designs 1962)

4 Briarcliffe Dr., Briarcliffe, Ottawa, ON

The house … is representative of three houses … built according to CMHC Small House Design by local builder Jack Dirks. {The house} is built according to CMHC Plan #764 designed by architect Douglas H. Miller of Vancouver, BC. It is a one-and-a-half storey detached house with a low-sloped gable roof. The house is rectangular in plan with a side carport sheltered by an extension of the main roof. The minimal main entry is under the carport on the east side of the house. The windows are rectangular and asymmetrically arranged. The two larger basement and main floor windows on the front of the house are stacked one above the other with a vertical wood siding spandrel panel between them. Many of the windows are sash- less sliding units set into horizontal runners in a wood frame.

From the Briarcliffe Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan