Fuller Building

  • Fuller Building

    Looking east along Albert Street highlighting the context within which the Fuller Building rests

  • Fuller Building

    Center of the south elevation with the building identification

  • Fuller Building

    Looking west along Albert Street highlighting the ground floor interface with the sidewalk

  • Fuller Building

    Southeast corner of the building highlighting the consistent application of the exterior curtainwall with its glazed white brick and black vertical members

  • Fuller Building

    Highlighting the materials within the exterior cladding

  • Fuller Building

    Looking west towards the Fuller Building with the British High Commission in the foreground

75 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON

The Fuller Building is a 10 storey curtainwall building located on Albert Street in downtown Ottawa. Separating the building from Elgin Street is a noteworthy Modern building, the British High Commission with its rectangular proportions and high quality materials that stands in contrast with the more blocky proportions of the Fuller Building. To be fair the Fuller is still a good Modern building that features a high degree of consistency, nice contrast between the black verticals (denoting the structure and sub-grid) and the white brick spandrel horizontals that sit between the windows.

Urbanistically, as a midblock building key characteristics include comfortable height for its context and the potential for ground floor retail. It is a very good background building.

More on the history and evolution on how the building came into being can be found at the Urbsite link below.