Canada Permanent Trust Building

  • Canada Permanent Trust Building

    Building in context looking north with the Peace Tower with the background

  • Canada Permanent Trust Building

    Overall view of the building

  • Canada Permanent Trust Building

    Partially recessed ground floor of the Canada Permanent Trust Building

  • Canada Permanent Trust Building

    Curtainwall detail

  • Canada Permanent Trust Building

    Ground floor space set back from the sidewalk on Metcalfe - looking north

  • Canada Permanent Trust Building

    Stair at the southwest corner of the building as seen from Queen Street

30 Metcalfe Street Ottawa, ON

The Canada Permanent Trust building is located at the corner of Metcalfe St. and Queen St., across the street is the World Exchange Plaza.

The building is clad in grey granite, which rises the full height of the building as pilasters before meeting an undecorated “cornice” of the same material above. Between the grey pilasters are tall windows with reflective black spandrel panels between floors, tied together visually by steel pieces that span vertically up the façade.

At the corner on Metcalfe Street, the building pulls back at the ground level to allow for more interaction between the street and the commercial use inside, which is now a restaurant after being vacant for several years in the early 2010s. For a long time, the Canada Permanent Trust building sat alone along Queen Street, but a new residential tower completed in 2020 has since filled the space next to the building.