Stonecliffe Apartments

Suites at the top of Bronson Ave.

  • Stonecliffe Apartments

    View of interior corner on Bronson Avenue facade

  • Stonecliffe Apartments

    Detail of the corner of the building, looking south along Bronson Ave.

  • Stonecliffe Apartments

    Main entrance into the building

  • Stonecliffe Apartments

    Detail of hexagonal pattern at main entrance

  • Stonecliffe Apartments

    View of parking garage access, looking east along Gloucester St.

  • Stonecliffe Apartments

    View of southwest corner, from Bronson Ave.

175 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, ON

The L-shaped apartments are situated on the corner of Laurier Ave. and Bronson Ave., overlooking a local community garden. The entryway to the building, positioned neatly in the corner of the “L” features a hexagonal pattern embedded in the white concrete panels.

The building houses 129 apartments behind walls clad in black brick and white painted concrete. The contrast between white painted balconies and tinted glass railings creates a strong element of horizontality to an otherwise tall building. The continuous line of the balconies along the facade assists in the horizontal illusion.

More information on the Stonecliffe Apartments can be found at the Related Resources