This week’s Image of the Week is the Docking Building in Topeka, Kansas, taken from the the upper cupola walkway of the Kansas State Capitol Building. Located across from the State Capitol, the Docking Building was completed in 1957 to house the growing civil service associated with running the state. According to a 2011 issue of Kansas Preservation Magazine (available here), “The Docking Building is one of the first public buildings in Kansas (if not the first) to successfully apply the principles of the Modern Movement.” The article also goes onto to discuss the relative importance of the building, its fine materials used on the inside and outside and its height; the Docking Building was the tallest structure in Topeka, other than the Capitol dome.
Unfortunately, the current administration in Kansas are not in favour of rehabilitating the building, favouring more open space, of which there is more than enough around the State Capitol already, especially when you factor in the surface parking (aerial view here). It currently appears that the building may be demolished, starting as soon as summer 2016.
However, there are those who are promoting its historic importance and heritage character, you can check out the Kansas Preservation Alliance talking points here.